New gun shot audio!

Gun shots now use different recorded sounds that are mixed based on the distance from the listener. There are unique sounds for 0m, 15m, 50m and 100m. With this system it is much easier to tell if a gun shot is close by or far away. It adds a lot of variation to the sound atmosphere, so you won't be hearing the same gun shot over and over again like in the old version.

The sounds used are recordings of the actual guns from this sound pack

Have fun!

WW2 FPS 0.0.29

New features:

  • New gun shot sound system


  • Tuned down the reverb of soldier voices
  • Damage shader on vehicles now uses nanite displacement
  • Stationary vehicles now block navigation allowing bots and bot controlled vehicles to move around them.
  • Improved match end screen. Now has extra button for exiting to main menu.


  • Pak40 was missing damage texture so it didn't look destroyed
  • Fix crash when changing maps related to audio speed of sound delay


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